Apr 9, 2008

Faithful Chick started 10 minute Tuesdays a few months back and I have been wanting to partcipate, but something ALWAYS comes up ... this week, I made a plan to get my post in and WOW what a scripture to reflect on.
Psalm 139: 1-4
O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.
He knew me before (BC, before Christ) and He knows me now (AC, After Christ)
He knows how many little bitty gray hairs on are on my head
He knows when I am jealous
He knows when I doubt His word and His ability
He knows I did NOT feel like doing homework with Ethan .. tonight .. this week .. lately
He knows when I am not spending the 24 hours He gave me in a way that pleases Him
He knows when I am trying to impress people
He knows what I trying to say to Him when I cannot find the words
He knows sometimes these boys drive me crazy ....
He knows that I want to be a better wife
He knows that I want to be a better mother
He knows that I want to be a better woman of God
He knows my intermost thoughts, dreams and aspirations
He knows the GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY
He knew I would come to Him and ask Him to reign in my life as long as He had me on this earth
He knew I would live with Him in eternity
Thank God, He knows ..... and loves me, even in spite of myself ....


Amy Wyatt said...

I loved the verse chosen for this week. I just got my post up today - a day late. But God knew my heart yesterday :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating. Lovely thoughts on the verse.

twinklemom said...

AMEN! That was fantastic

Sita said...

Jai, I also thank God that nothing, not even me, can separate me from His love. I bless you with His love today.