Oct 31, 2011

Praying for Kate MaCrae

When I started blogging I think it was 3 years ago, I blogged for my inlaws so they could watch their grandchildren grow up and be a part of their lives some 700 miles away.

Then I started reading blogs and being introduced to blogs .. and met this beautiful little girl .. and my whole family started praying for her.
Won't you join us?

test, test ...

I haven't been able to post any drafts .... can you see this one?

Oct 3, 2011

Gotta get back to blogging...

too much is passing me by ... I need to start writing and posting pictures again ... how in the world did my son go from 6 to 14 1/2? AND ... I need to get the 1200 photos on my memory card OFF!
Let's see.... I am gonna try twice per week ... starting very sloooowllly!